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Mental Draino

Mental Draino

This week on a coaching call, a client told me that I was like Mental Draino. I have never considered myself that way, but it is a good analogy.

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Measuring Your Well-Being

Measuring Your Well-Being

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel burnt out, overwhelmed, exhausted, depressed and anxious. Make sure you check in regularly.

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Suffering ≠ The New Normal

Suffering ≠ The New Normal

It’s no secret that life can be challenging today. We occasionally struggle, feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or exhausted from the daily grind.

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The News & Mental Health

The News & Mental Health

The impact of negative news stories on our mental health is far-reaching; grim headlines can leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

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Scared to Make a Decision?

Scared to Make a Decision?

Understanding your fear is essential when it comes to conquering it. Once you identify the root cause of your fear, you are one step closer to overcoming it. Take some time to reflect on the situation and pinpoint what is causing the fear so that you can actively work on addressing it. Understanding where your fear comes from will help you break down the walls and gain control back in your life.

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How Fear Impacts Our Lives

How Fear Impacts Our Lives

Fear can prevent us from living a fulfilling life, but thankfully there are ways to tackle it without medication. Let’s look at the reasons why fear affects us and what we can do about it – no pills required!

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Change is challenging but rewarding. My job is to help guide you through decisions and actions that bring you to your highest purpose and potential.